Mumbai. The police’s social service branch has freed a 14-year-old minor girl during the raid. In the name of getting the victim to work in television and Bollywood, three casting directors incited prostitution. They were doing body trade with the girl. He had also decided the deal of a minor girl for Rs 3.5 lakh. According to a Mumbai Police official, the names of the casting directors arrested were Ashish Patel, Vinod Aneria and Mo. Sheikh is On getting information about the misdeeds of these three, DCP Raju Bhujbal of the Social Service Branch and his team laid a trap and set up a meeting with the accused. The accused got caught in the police trap and came to the meeting. The accused casting directors said that they will provide fourteen year old girl for prostitution and they will charge Rs 3.5 lakh for each time. The accused kept saying this again and again that because the girl is fourteen years old and a minor, so every time there will be a demand of Rs 3.5 lakh for her. After this meeting, the police team laid a trap in a hotel in Andheri. Where on Wednesday, the accused casting director was called along with the victim girl. Police officers sent one of their men as a customer to a restaurant near Andheri railway station. As soon as the three accused casting directors arrived there with the minor girl, the police team arrested the three and rescued the victim from their clutches. The minor victim told the police that her father had passed away. In such a situation, he had to take care of his family. So she was trying to get some work in TV or films. During this time, she met an accused casting director who helped her get a small role in a TV serial. He was in dire need of money, so somehow the three accused convinced him for prostitution. And talked about giving him 30000 rupees for one time, while he demanded Rs 3.5 lakh for one time from the customer sent by the police. However, the police have registered a case against the accused under the Poxo Act, Section 4 and 5 of Pita, Section 370, 366 (A) and 34 of the IPC.
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