New Delhi. Harshita, the daughter of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, had given information for the sale of the sofa on an e-commerce platform and the person had cheated her for Rs 34,000 by claiming that she was a buyer. In this regard, after receiving information from the police on Sunday, an FIR was registered in the Civil Lines police station in the Northern District under the relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
According to the police, the Chief Minister’s daughter had given information for sale of a sofa on the e-commerce site. The person approached them, showing interest in shopping. In the name of correcting the account, he transferred a small amount to Harshita’s account.
After this, the person sent him a QR code and asked him to scan so that the fixed amount would be transferred to his account. But, doing so, 20,000 rupees were deducted from Harshita’s account.
After this, when Harshita complained to the person, she said that it happened by mistake. On doing the same process again, Rs 14,000 was deducted from Harshita’s account.
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